Odibi, l’art de la patience - Ze Jam Afane
Young audience Musical show
Cameroonian musical tales
Tue 29 Mar 2022 20:00
Salle du Laussy

The storyteller, singer and poet Ze Jam Afane recreates the ballads of his childhood, taken straight from the fireside gatherings of South Cameroon. In the concert Odibi, l’art de la patience, Ze sings and narrates a story that shares secrets with the audience, to stimulate critical thinking and awaken the intelligence of the heart. With the help of three outstanding musicians, ears young and old are carried away by the infectiously cheerful music !
Ze Jam Afane Voices, texts, percussions
Patrick Bebey Keyboards, flute
Clément Janinet Violin, electric mandolin
Daniel Erdmann Saxophone
Co-hosting by Salle du Laussy / CIMN - Detours of Babel
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