[Grande Soirée Afrique] Nouvelles impressions d’Afrique - Quatuor Béla / Radicants - Ballaké Sissoko & Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch

New / world music
Thu 07 Apr 2022 20:00
MC2 • free seating – in seat
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Nouvelles impressions d’Afrique - Quatuor Béla

Bowing to Africa

Frédéric Aurier, Julien Dieudegard Violins Julian Boutin Viola Luc Dedreuil Cello Works by Kevin Volans, Moriba Koïta, creations by Frédéric Aurier and the Congolese composer Roslan

This concert is the fruit of Quatuor Béla’s wonder at the music of a continent that is so far from their original artistic spheres. Then came their fascination with the kora, pygmy polyphonic songs and Ethiopian bolel music, as well as their discovery of the unique world of composer Kevin Volans, and their meeting with ethnomusicologist Simha Arom and the Malian griot Moriba Koïta. For this concert, they will play the first quartet by the young Congolese composer Roslan Ibarra.

Radicants - Ballaké Sissoko & Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch

A conversation between Kora and electroacoustic composition

Ballaké Sissoko Kora Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesh Electronic

At the heart of this project lies a meeting between the kora, an ancient and ancestral instrument, wielded by the hugely talented Ballaké Sissoko, and the harmonious yet complex electronic world of Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch. The aim is to find new paths that are based on immersion, letting go, and the invention of new dynamic roots that are able to support the other partner. A conversation between the two musicians is built, where the kora is the source, while the electronic dimension is its development, resonance and form.

Co-accueil MC2 / CIMN - Détours de Babel

Le Quatuor Béla est conventionné par la DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, la Région Auvergne- Rhône-Alpes et le Département de la Savoie. Il reçoit le soutien de la SACEM, de l’ADAMI, de la SPEDIDAM, du FCM, de l’ONDA, de la Maison de la Musique Contemporaine et de ProQuartet.

Radicants est une commande et une production Fondation Royaumont. Coproduction CIMN - Détours de Babel / gmem-CNCM-marseille / Fondation Camargo, PLATÔ avec le soutien de la SACEM et du mécénat du Groupe ADP et de la Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso.