Dans l’ombre du Ramayana - Alex Grillo

Young audience Musical theater

Guignol meets the Punakawan of Java

Fri 25 > Sat 26 Mar 2022
Theâtre Sainte Marie d'en Bas • free seating – in seat
Agenda Ramayana Agenda Ramayana Agenda Ramayana Agenda Ramayana Agenda Ramayana Agenda Ramayana Agenda Ramayana

In France, all children are familiar with the puppet character Guignol and his many misadventures. Today, Alex Grillo brings us into a new age, where Guignol embarks on original stories in the company of his new friends – the traditional Punakawan puppets of Java. Along with author Edith Azam and puppeteer Cyril Bourgois, as well as the active participation of adults and children from Grenoble, Alex Grillo takes us on a journey into a world inhabited by demigods and filled with the sounds of gamelan, to meet the Javanese Guignol !

Alex Grillo Composition
Edith Azam Writing
Cyril Bourgeois Marionettes
Marie-Pierre Faurite Cello, percussion
Gayam 16 Percussion


Production CIMN - Détours de Babel